Subhendu Bhadra

Union Steward and Instructor at Algoma University (as of February 2025)

Who is Subhendu Bhadra?

Subhendu Bhadra is a sessional lecturer in the fields of computer science and software engineering.

What have students said about Subhendu Bhadra?

Bhadra was "so late to the very first lecture for ECE244 that he actually completely missed the entire hour-long lecture and I'm not even sure that he came that day..."

u/sadmanca on Reddit (r/uoft)

"Lies about midterm format and content, gave us our midterms marks a month late 3 hours before we can drop the course. No one can hear him, no communication between students or TAs. Made a review session for the midterm didn't hold it, updated the D2L announcement after it was supposed to be finished saying he postponed it."

"Started the postponed session 30 mins late and didn't review anything - it was just us trying to get information about the midterm from him. Made a Google Chat with all students and still doesn't communicate. When confronted he literally rage quit and deleted the chat. Last week he told everyone there will be a quiz today, he came an hour late and told us there is no quiz today. We need to force information out of him, doesn't want to give us our midterms back nor tell us the average."

u/ienjoymusiclol on Reddit (r/TorontoMetU)

How does Subhendu Bhadra treat his TAs?

"At the beginning of the term, he said the labs are biweekly. After the reading week, he decided there won't be any more labs, there will only be the project. Even the TAs didn't know that there are only 3 labs. TA has no rubric for marking and are requested to mark the labs in 1 day."

ECE326H1F Concern Compilation

"According to the TA in the lab sessions, they only received the lab instruction an hour before the practical session which left them no time to look into and when students asked questions about the lab they did not know how to answer them either since there was no time for them to prepare."

ECE326H1F Concern Compilation

How does Subhendu Bhadra treat students with disabilities?

"Instructor didn't reply to any communication attempts from the ATS although student(s) are registered with accessibility services for their midterms, which are approved by ATS."

"Test didn't go to ATS, student couldn't write a midterm."

ECE326H1F Concern Compilation



